Sunday, May 15, 2011

"The deer would still be drinking out of that water hole, with their pretty antlers and their pretty, skinny legs."


Don't move"

Even the deer outside

With their pretty antlers

And pretty, skinny legs

Are frozen, the water still

Caught up in their mouths

Still as the grave

Which is a funny saying

Because even graves are not still

There's always worms and beetles and

Those little white worms


Feeding on the flesh of the dead, in that decomposing

Box of flimsy black wood

But no...

Even the grave is still today

And you are frozen in mid sentence

With your pretty blue eyes

And your pretty, skinny arms

They call me a deer

Cautious, careful

Spacey and doe-eyed

I hope that means I have

Pretty, skinny legs

But then I'd be caught there

With water falling from my mouth

But I'm not

I can move around

So I twirl, and I dance

Because there's music playing in my head

This frozen silence is so devastating

My brain rings and chimes and trumpets call...

The world cannot be without music!

The musicians pretty instruments

And their pretty, skinny fingers

Frozen on their buttons, eyes glued to a single note

Crawling across a stark white page



But I can move

I twirl

To the music in my head

I point right down the barrel of the sleek black gun

And the bullet stops in mid air

With the water in the deer's mouths

And the fingers on the buttons

And your pretty blue eyed stare


"Don't move." I reply


Time slows to a crawl

I hit the ground

There is just so much red...

Frozen on the clean white smock

Yet spreading its wings like a butterfly

"I said don't move."

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